-  WINKIE  -

Sunday, May 23, 2010


The Kingdom Of Winkiedom is a kingdom inhabited by many creatures with very special abilities. This kingdom consists of several special groups of kitty cats, who came together under the leadership of the co-founder of this kingdom. This co-founder, who's name was Isaac Winkafeller grew up under the watchful eye of a young female tabby named Momma, who was another co-founder of this kingdom of cats.

Momma, who had previously had two litters of kitty cats before she adopted this young boy Isaac, also adopted a young female ( just before she adopted Isaac) who she named Rosie. She gave Rosie her name because of her unusual color pattern. (Rosie was gray on top and white on the bottom, and she had pink/orange spots on her back, face and nose. Her face had a "rosie brightness" to it and so Momma decided to call her Rosie). Isaac had a very bad cold when he showed up on Momma's doorstep, and one of his eyes was partially closed, and it would "Twitch" as if a sensitive nerve was malfunctioning or something. When she took him to the veterinarian, one of the assistants kept forgetting his name Isaac and so she called him Winkie. And, so the name kind of stuck to him

Winkie grew and was mentored by Momma and another very old kitty cat named Charlie II - (The Baron of all of the surrounding lands that would later become Winkiedom). At this time there were a few other kitties that started coming around, and Momma was pregnant with her third litter of kitties. This third litter was with a young gentle giant who was called Spot t Boy. Spot t Boy had a sister who was named Meow II. Meow would later become the Queen of Winkiedom, and her brother Spot t Boy, (the gentle giant) would later become the "Supreme Guardian" to the throne of Winkie The King.

Charlie, the old but very powerful Baron had a grand daughter, (or grand kitten) who's name was Happy, and she had four kittens, of which two of them died shortly after arriving into the fold. Happy and her kittens were brought into the fold when they were dropped off by a neighbor of D'Boss. (D'Boss is a Watcher of Winkie's Kingdom and Shepherd over the entire fold.) Happy's two remaining kitties names were Tony Tiger II, and his little brother Buddy Boy II.

After Winkie was grown, he and Meow produced a litter with two kittens. In this litter was a yellow boy, who was named Slinky, and a black and white female, who was named Cinderella, (Cindy).
Momma and Spot t Boy produced Momma's third litter which had five kittens in it. One female died, and that left three females and one male. The kittens were named Sugar, Frankie IV, Rooter Tooter. (he was the only male) and last but not least, Peeper.
These are the the kittens, and adult cats that were around when the Kingdom Of Winkiedom began. These are the founding families of this very unusual kingdom of kitty cats.

As the kittens grew and the adults had more kittens, and as more kitty cats came into the fold there arose a need for all of the kitties to bond together with a system of governing themselves, in order to protect themselves from the dangers that are common to being alone, and for the strengths that come with being in numbers.

Winkie, who had proven himself to be the dominate male of the clan by this time, and along with Momma, who was known as Momma the Matriarch by now, and of course with the blessings of The Baron Charlie, declared himself as the King of the fold, and all of the clan agreed with him, and so they formed the government, and the cabinets of the Office Of The Matriarch: and the Office Of Justice and Mercy,( Rosie, who was the third co-founder of the kingdom served the office of Justice and Mercy.) And, of course the young Winkie became the King. It was the Baron Charlie who gave the name Winkiedom to the kingdom.

And, thus began the Kingdom Of Winkiedom!

To be continued

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